About Me
And what I make.

Wall with clipboards hanging from it which display screenshots of various design elements sourced from Marc Anderson's various case studies

What I do

I am Marc Anderson, a Design Leader and Product Designer in Seattle, Washington.

I am a curious and meticulous individual who explores the relationships people have with technology.

I am in constant pursuit of growth, actively seeking opportunities to broaden my capabilities, perspective, and understanding of the world around me.

Product Strategy and Vision

I collaborate with executive leadership to translate business objectives into actionable product initiatives, and craft strategies that encompass market analysis, user research, and competitive intelligence to define a compelling product vision that guides their development and evolution.

Design Approach and Execution

I strive to unlock maximum customer value through effective visual and interaction design. This involves consensus-building, effective coordination among relevant teams and functions, and incremental advancements, all while maximizing development resources and building scalable systems that adapt to evolving needs.

Design Operations, Management, and Mentorship

I excel in streamlining the product development lifecycle by implementing efficient workflows and high standards that elevate the execution of design, research, and testing activities. I frequently mentor designers to foster their growth while empowering them to achieve greater professional success.

Research, Continuing Education

I keep sharp focus on research and ongoing education, staying abreast of industry movement and best practices to ensure an innovative approach, and place significant emphasis on understanding my target audiences. Combining academic rigor with practical insights, I constantly explore their behaviors, behaviors, needs, and professional requirements, allowing me to engage with my customers effectively and without bias.

Marc sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen, building a prototype

Established Audiences.
Considerate Action.
Measurable Outcomes.
Accessible Experiences.

Marc Anderson working at a desk with a VR headset next to his keyboard

What I make

Products and Platforms

People crave digital tools that facilitate the management of their daily lives and work activities through beauty and ease of use. I create and design platforms that strengthen personal connections, elevate content consumption, and ease transactions, while keeping the human experience at their core.

Websites and Interactive Experiences

Successful digital initiatives maximize the potential of established and emerging platforms to share a meaningful story. I uncover my stakeholders’ core narrative and pursue a deep understanding of their audience to deliver valuable experiences driven by strategic insight and creativity.

Ecommerce and Loyalty Platforms

Purchases should evoke anticipation and joy, from discovery to effortless transactions. My approach to digital commerce seamlessly integrates product definition, launch strategies, and loyalty initiatives. I bring extensive experience in implementing imaginative solutions across diverse platforms.

Experience Design and Journey Mapping

Engagement effectiveness is rooted in meticulous attention to audience perception and activity throughout their journey. I thoroughly analyze every interaction across a brand’s experience, strategically optimizing specific moments while enhancing overall perception.

Immersion and Virtual Reality

The line between the tangible and intangible is increasingly blurred. People can now enter previously impossible environments on a whim. I combine expert storytelling with world-class design to bring human encounters to these new digital worlds.

My work has been recognized by the UX, design and business community for its unique vision, attention to detail, and ability to drive results.