Celsius Web App
Financial empowerment in the palm of your hand.

Celsius was a crypto-based financial services platform which let members earn, borrow and send nearly every available cryptocurrency.

I partnered with Celsius to design and launch their platform on the web so they could reach new customers, increase engagement and grow their business.

Since our engagement, Celsius filed for bankruptcy protection, resulting in significant losses for many, including myself. The issues with Celsius were unknown during our engagement, and I stand by the quality of work based on the information available at the time.

Celsius’s web application provided all of the features expected from a top-give exchange and allowed users to buy, sell, swap, and transfer coins without any prior knowledge of cryptocurrency.

A vibrant color palette, striking typography, and generous use of negative space complimented straightforward interactions and facilitated ease of use. Clear information hierarchy and articulate, approachable messaging boosted user confidence as they initiated transactions and monitored their assets.

The resulting design simplified Celsius’s platform to the extent that its cryptocurrency tools felt familiar to traditional banking instruments, driving high adoption rates among first-time crypto investors.

Video play button

A customer-centric approach to cryptocurrency

Conducting thorough customer interviews, rigorous testing, and iterative prototyping proved indispensable in achieving success with this project, ensuring that our solutions were finely tuned to meet the precise needs and preferences of our target audience.

UX Strategy
Content Strategy
Information Architecture
UX/UI Design
User Testing
Art Direction
Visual Design
Creative Direction
Motion Design

The Challenge: Appeal to long-timers and first-timers alike

Celsius’s core audience were crypto enthusiasts. They were progressive. They were tech savvy. And they were true believers in the value of crypto. We needed to create a platform that embraced their ideals but was approachable for everyone. To do that, my team found ourselves asking, “how would we get our own parents to understand crypto?”

Create engagement that sustains over time

While new members had high usage initially, it would often taper off after several months.

To remedy that, we needed to do two things:

More than just a wallet

To make all of this approachable, our design strategy included using language that’s human. Instead of industry lingo, we spoke in more colloquial terms, and instead of a boring bank-like design, we went bold with playful typography and color. Ample negative space ensured that members wouldn’t be overwhelmed with data, and they could easily decipher their financial standing.

The design of Celsius's web app color palette and selected colors.

A colorful vision of the future of finance

Working closely with the Celsius team, we crafted an experience that prioritizes transparency and ease-of-use. The design is simple, intuitive and dynamic, and it reflects the brand promise of a more modern way for members to manage their finances.

The design of a modal within the desktop view from Celsius's platform that contains a QR code and account details for receiving coins.
The design of a desktop view from Celsius's platform listing all of a user's recent notifications.
The design of a desktop view from Celsius's platform where a user indicates their intent to send coins.

A commitment to financial fitness

Think about your body. Through exercise, diet and the right daily habits, you can achieve good health, but it’s important to keep it up. Finance isn’t much different. When designing the Celsius web app, we wanted to educate and motivate users similar to a fitness platform.

Instead of just buying and selling crypto, members encountered a series of challenges designed to drive behavior and increase their potential for good financial habits.

Examples included:

The design of a desktop view from Celsius's platform listing all of the available financial fitness challenges available to a user, as well as their associated levels and status.
The design of a modal for the desktop view of the Celsius platform which lists the details of a particular financial fitness challenge.
The design of a modal for the desktop view of the Celsius platform which lists the details of a particular financial fitness challenge.
The design of a modal for the desktop view of the Celsius platform which lists the details of a particular financial fitness challenge.
The design of a modal for the desktop view of the Celsius platform which lists the details of a particular financial fitness challenge.

The Dashboard

Clean and confident, the dashboard was designed to provide an engaging view of key information including balance, growth, and rewards earned over time.

The design of Celsius's dashboard on desktop listing the value of a user's portfolio as well as the coins which they hold.
The design of Celsius's dashboard on desktop listing the value of a user's portfolio as well as the coins which they hold.

Real-Time Data at a Glance

Members had clear visibility into the health of every coin, as well as its contribution (both in appreciation and interest) to their total balance.

The design of Celsius's detail view for a particular cryptocurrency on desktop listing the value of that coin.
The design of Celsius's detail view for a particular cryptocurrency on desktop listing the value of that coin.

Interest, Maximized

With a flick of a switch, members could choose to earn interest in Celsius’s native coin (CEL). The interaction was satisfyingly simple.

A detailed view of the design of Celsius's desktop platform related to selecting the currency in which a user will receive interest, in this case in Cel token.
A detailed view of the design of Celsius's desktop platform related to selecting the currency in which a user will receive interest, in this case "in-kind."

Effortless Navigation

Core features were designed to be easy to find. Members could purchase or deposit coins, withdraw or transfer funds, and request a loan with minimal friction.

Design examples of Celsius's primary navigation for it's web app for desktop.

Intuitive Loan Application

Need cash? Instead of selling their crypto, members could borrow against it by requesting a customized loan that fit their needs.

The design of a desktop view from Celsius's platform where a user selects the desired terms of a cryptocurrency loan.
The design of a desktop view from Celsius's platform which appears when submitting a loan application.

Dark Mode

For night owls everywhere, Dark Mode was designed to offer a glistening alternative that could be easily activated within a member’s profile.

The design of Celsius's web app dashboard for desktop toggled to dark mode.
A collection of the desktop screen designs for Celsius's web app related to transferring cryptocurrency between users.

Dynamic Filters

For keeping tabs on their money, the transaction history came with a set of advanced filters designed for a more granular view.

The design of a desktop view for filtering transactions within Celsius's web app platform.
The design of a desktop view for filtering transactions within Celsius's web app platform.
The design of a desktop view for filtering transactions within Celsius's web app platform.

A crypto (r)evolution

With a smart, sharp and seamless new platform, Celsius members could take greater ownership of their finances. Plus, it was designed and built to scale as Celsius added more coins and grew their suite of financial products.

Even more, it represented a drastic evolution of the brand, one that was rooted in the company’s core values, but provided a fresh and friendly approach to cryptocurrency. And with financial fitness at the center, Celsius members both new and old were encouraged to engage every step of the way.